Friday, November 20, 2009

Edward Joel Anderson's Introduction

Dear Readers,

Thank you for paying a visit to the Speculative Collective Report. My name is Edward Joel Anderson, and unlike Dr. John Skylar, I do not speak to you from across the reaches of space and time. I am a simple New Yorker with a simple job and humble aspirations.

I have never met Dr. John Skylar, but he recently reached out to me to inform me of the friendship we will soon share. Apparently, when John was "time-normal", he and I started a writer's group with other authors to support each other in our pursuits to write speculative fiction. It just so happens that I do write this genre, specifically epic fantasy.

Even so, I speculated at the idea of having a friend who would go on to study cultures across space and time and then contact me from a place outside the realm of both. But after a great deal of email correspondence, he has convinced me that all he says is true. It is not actually important that you, the reader, are convinced of the same, only that you enjoy what we have gathered to write.

I look forward to meeting the time-normal incarnation of John sometime soon, as well as the other members of the Speculative Collective (John tells me this group name will be my idea). Until then, I'm excited to begin this journey of creative collaboration before the public eye.

I remain,

Edward Joel Anderson

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Welcome to the Speculative Collective Report

Gravitational lensing This Hubble Space Telesc...Image via Wikipedia

Dear Readers,

Hello and welcome to the Speculative Collective Report, a blog that represents the Speculative Collective Writers' Group.  I, Dr. John Skylar, am a culutral consultant to this group when I am not otherwise occupied with my work at the University of Constantinople.  I am certain that the other participants will introduce themselves at some point.

This group mainly concerns itself with "Speculative Fiction", which is a genre I wrote in while I was time-normal.  Expect to see stories--especially the collective's upcoming chain story.


Dr. John Skylar
Department of Anachronism
University of Constantinople
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